Copyright © Forever Adored

Forever Adored

Brow Lamination

*A Brow Lamination is like a reverse perm. It straightens the natural brow hairs so that you can groom them to lay how you want them too.

*Not recommended for people with super sensitive skin or with active acne in the brow area.

*You should keep your brows dry for the first 24 hours after your service. After that, you're able to use all your normal products.

*It is recommended to brush a light amount of hair conditioner through the brows daily after your service.

*The results of a brow lamination will slowly soften, and your brows will return to their natural shape over the course of 4-6 weeks.

*Please make sure you arrive with CLEAN, MAKEUP FREE BROWS


*​DO avoid contact sports that may potentially cause your piercing to get bumped around. Other forms of exercise is ok, just remember to clean your piercing of sweat and dirt afterwards.
*DO wash your hands before cleaning your piercing.
*DO allow clean running water to gently rinse the area once a day. 
*DO mist with saline spray once a day.
*DO change bed sheets and pillow cases often. 
*DO drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, eat well and avoid stress. 
*DO contact your piecer if you have any concerns. 
*DON'T use a wash cloth, sponge or anything to scrub or clean the piercing area.
*DON'T sleep on your new piercing(s). 
*DON'T use solution or soap to clean the area. 
*DON’T go swimming with your new piercing for at least 14 days.
*DON'T touch your new piercing. 
*DON'T rotate or force the jewelry to move during healing.
*DON'T use any ointments or antibacterial products during healing. 
*DON’T change your piercing’s jewelry for at least the first 6 weeks.

*If there is ever dry build up around your new piercing, DO soak with salt water for 3 min or until build up is soft and easily wiped away.
*If you notice a piercing bump forming at the piercing site, use warm (not hot) salt water to soak 2x a day for 3 min. To do this, take 2 flat cotton swabs and soak in the warm salt water. then take one flat cotton swab on each side of the piercing and gently apply pressure. Do not attempt to POP the bump! Just apply gentle pressure, allowing the warm salt water to soak the area. Repeat these steps for 3 minutes. If you don't see improvement in a couple of days, you experience other negative side effects, the bump continues to get larger, redness, sourness, bleeding, color change in the skin around the piercing or are unsure how to proceed, contact your medical care provider immediately. This information is not to be taken as official medical advice.Type your paragraph here.

For more information on any of our services, give us a call :) 

Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions is the art of placing a false lash, onto one natural lash at a time. There are multiple styles and lash looks available. This service is NOT permanent and 1-2 fills a month will be needed to maintain your lash look.

*Always arrive to your lash appointment with CLEAN, MAKEUP FREE lashes

*A new set can take 2-3 hours so be sure that you can lay on your back for long periods of time

*Fills are recommended every 2-3 weeks to keep you lashes looking full and so that your technician can look over the health of your natural lashes. To be considered a Fill, you must have at least 1/2 of your lash set still intact.

*We offer Classic, Posh, Hybrid and Volume lash styles in a variety of lengths.

*How BIG we go with your extensions will all depend on your desired look and the health/strength of your natural lashes

*We offer trial sets for those who want to make sure they are not allergic or sensitive to the lash products

*All of our lash products are Latex Free

*Please notify us if you notice any issues within the first 48 hrs. We will happily get you in to fix what we can free of charge. Any "fixes" needed after that period will be considered a Fill Appointment and a fee will be due.

*Aftercare: No open flames or water near the lashes for the first 24 hours. Brush lashes daily. Use lash shampoo at least 3x a week if you don't wear eye makeup. Use lash shampoo daily if you do wear eye makeup. Only use oil free products around the eyes. Oils and medicated eye drops will effect your retention. Do not use waterproof eye makeup. 

Permanent Makeup

Microblading, Powder Brows, Ombre Brows, Nano Brows and Combo Brows are for the 18+ ONLY. These permanent makeup (PMU) services are a form of tattooing and should be booked only after careful consideration and research.

*A signed consultation form & $100 booking fee is required before clients are allowed to book their session.

*Clients who currently have another artists' brow work done will be required to book an In-person consultation.

*We can not offer these services if any of the following pertain to you: Currently pregnant or nursing, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Lupus, Eczema, Psoriasis, Currently undergoing Chemo, Scar easily, Prone to irregular scaring, or are currently showing any sign of illness.

*Facials, Botox, Fillers and the COVID19 vaccine can not be done within 14 days of a PMU appointment. 

*Some medications can also effect your service and retention so be sure to list ALL prescription medication on your consultation form.

*Aftercare is a huge part in getting great retention! There is a STRICT 10 day aftercare process. No outdoor activities, working out, wearing brow makeup or soaking the brows within those 10 days.

*During the first few weeks after your permanent makeup appointment, your brows will go through many phases of the color fading in and out. This is totally normal. Just keep following your aftercare instructions. If you need them emailed to you, let us know.

*Your healing PMU (permanent makeup) should NEVER form crusty scabs. Dry, flakey skin is normal but crusty scabs means that you're not washing the new brows properly and you're allowing dry skin, oil, lymph and sweat to build up on the brows. When this crust forms it absorbs pigment and you can end up with blotchy brows &/or poor color retention.

*Touch Ups are not included and the fee is based on how long it's been and how much work is needed.  

*Touch Ups, Cover Ups and Corrections of previously done brows from another shop ARE WELCOME :) 

*Please carefully look through Kelli's Instagram Page, @CultivateBeaute, for examples of her PMU work before scheduling your consultation. It's highly recommended that you are familiar with her artistic style and the options she offers.